Friday, February 28, 2014

Online Business Ideas - Tips To Find A Profitable Idea Part 4

Online Business Ideas - Tips To Find A Profitable Idea
Online Business Ideas - Tips To Find A Profitable Idea Part 4 - Sowhat you need to do is setup a simple website that briefly explains your product and getsvisitors interested in taking action using what I call the Persuasion Formula. And I'llgo more into depth in this in a second, but for now lets keep going. And what you needto do is search the internet for free vouchers for advertisements where you can send clicksor traffic to your page. And what I would recommend is using something called PPC whichstands for pay per click and not CPM. Because you want to guarantee that people are visitingyour page and you want to make sure that people are actually clicking on your ad which initself is an indication that people are interested in whatever you have to sell.

Right now, orafter this Post if you prefer, go to Google and search for the following. Free googlead voucher or coupon, you can replace voucher with the term coupon. Free adcenter ad voucheror coupon. Free Facebook ad voucher or coupon. Free ad voucher or coupon.And something that I do is I search for all these phrases in Google but I choose, I onlysearch within the past month. And you can do this by going to the left side of Googleafter you search. Click on search tools and it will give you a drop down box which isgoing to say give you different time periods to search. And I only search in the past monthmainly because these marketing promotions for different companies like Google or Adcenteror Facebook give away free coupons to advertise, these change all the time.

So it's best tojust search things that have been presented in the past month or past three months. Alright,what to do next. Remember our goal is to quickly, cheaply, and accurately test the validityof our idea. Doing the research and testing wrong is in my mind one of the things thatcontributes to a 95% plus failure rate amongst new internet companies. Obviously if you getoff on the wrong foot and you're selling something that nobody really wants or will pay for it'sreally hard to turn that into a viable long term business than can support you and yourfamily. So people that are massively success follow proven formulas. And some of them I'vementioned in this and some of them I go into detail into the free executive training thatI've created. And what I've done is I've put a lot time and effort into creating this workbookthat explains a lot of these things in detail.

It's really hard to go into too much depthin a short Youtube Post, so that's why I created the workbook. And here's what you'regoing to learn when you get inside. The persuasion formula, which is something that I mentionedbriefly, is an 8 step system for selling more stuff without being a sleezbag. And it's verysimple, even if you've never sold anything or you don't like selling. It's worked forme in the past and it works for many other people. It's been tested over time and itdelivers results. How to create a free website, even if you've never created one before andif you have absolutely no coding skills. I'm going to show you a place where you can createa free website and how to do it if you've never created a Wordpress site or createda blog.

If you've never done any of that, this is for you. I'm going to give you a listof proven internet business models which is a list of business niches, I shouldn't say business niches, but niches in general that consistently make people money. I'm also goingto give you a list of specific steps of what to do after you've found a winner, so I'mgoing to give you specific simple strategies for growing your business into an empire afteryou've found that winning idea, and I'm going to outline all the things that people do wrongwhen they're to trying to grow that business into something that's sustainable.
Business Plan Outline That Works Simple and Effective

Online Business Ideas - Tips To Find A Profitable Idea Part 3

Online Business Ideas - Tips To Find A Profitable Idea
Online Business Ideas - Tips To Find A Profitable Idea Part 3 - And what does that mean?In my mind, the definition of it is the likelihood that your prospect will buy or pull out theircredit card for whatever that thing is you're selling. So for example, take these two keywordsbuy running shoes, which in my mind has commercial intent. Compare it to something like freerunning tips, which has low commercial intent. So if you type either one of those phrases,buy running shoes or free running tips into a search engine like Google you're going tosee different results. The quickest way to determine if there is commercial intent foryour product simply to type in that keyword phrase into Google and add a few variations,whatever you're trying to sell, whatever the description of your product is.

Type fiveor six of those into Google, and if there's no advertising to the top or right side thenand it will say this is an ad right next to it, if there's no advertisements it's a warningsign. Okay, so lets move on to step three. Cheaply test your idea and what you want todo is cheaply test the validity of your online business ideas. This is where the rubber meetsthe road so to speak and not doing it in a way that's significant or accurate can actuallycall you thousands or millions of dollars either in future investments of time or moneyor what's known as opportunity cost. And if you're unfamiliar with what opportunity costis, it's basically the cost of taking an alternative action, and this is according to Investopedia,is the cost of an alternative that must be foregone in order to peruse a certain action.

So in other words if your tests don't pan out there's really no shame in moving on tothe next thing. Preferably you want to run through the series of research steps thanI'm explaining here to validate that there's actually money in this niche to develop intoa business. And if there's not, there's really no point in beating your head against thewall and trying to turn something that really has no hope into a business. You might makea little bit of money, but the point is your time is better invested somewhere else. Andthat's the point of all these tests. 

To cheaply and quickly determine if there's actuallya market for your product or service. And a really cool quote that I think of a lotactually, comes from a guy by the name of Benjamin Disraeli. And he said, next to knowingwhen to seize an opportunity the most important thing in life is knowing when to forego anopportunity. So, if you really want to test your idea, if you really want to put it outthere and see what happens, which is the best way to test an idea of course is to see whathappens in real life, which is often very different than what happens in our mind.
Online Business Ideas - Tips To Find A Profitable Idea Part 4

Online Business Ideas - Tips To Find A Profitable Idea Part 2

Online Business Ideas - Tips To Find A Profitable Idea
Online Business Ideas - Tips To Find A Profitable Idea Part 2 - Let me just say, it's easy to get carried away with an idea that mightwork in theory, right? Everybody has a great idea. But, often these online business ideasare unrealistic and miss the big picture, which is what the customer wants and willactually pull out their credit card and pay for. And, I realize this is an oversimplificationof a relatively complex topic, but at the same time, when you boil everything down,everything comes down to the customer. And, what they will act on and pay for, right?So, the three steps to developing your idea and testing it, to see if it can actuallycan turn into a viable business are: Step #1: does your product solve a problem or filla need? So ask yourself, are people actively looking for a solution to this problem? Andif they're not, chances are your product or service, whatever you're selling, might bea complete flop. And there's a quote by Zig Ziglar.

He said if you help enough other peopleget what they want, you will eventually get what you want. And that's so true in the worldof marketing. everyone wants to convince other people of their great idea when in realitythe best, the best strategy here is to go out and figure out what people are alreadysearching for, what they already want, and then figure out a way of how to help thosepeople solve their problems. The three categories that I always start with when I'm identifyinga niche, and this is especially helpful if you have no idea with the idea of the businessthat you want to start, start here. Start with the big three.

As you can see from thisslide, those are the broadest categories, right? For example, in health, you could breakthat down into mental, physical, emotion categories. And you could go even deeper than that. For example, under physical, weight loss, muscle, training for marathons. Those are all sub,sub categories of the big health category. And from there, you can break it down evenfurther. You can keep going and design a weight loss product designed specifically for womenin their 40's or women after they've had a baby, or whatever it is. So if you're confusedon where to start or if you want to work within what's called the big three in the marketingindustry, the three biggest categories are health, wealth and relationships. 

Step numbertwo, before you make the investment mistake of investing thousands of dollars you needto make sure you actually have a viable idea. And this is something a mistake that I'vemade on more than one occasion mainly because I was too eager to get my product out becauseI was convinced it was going to work. But if I would have just done my research I wouldhave saved myself a heck of a lot of time and money that I could have been focusingon other products or services. So, what you need to do is you need to one of the strategiesthat I like, one of the strategies that I think is the best for determining whetheror not an internet business will work is called commercial intent.
Online Business Ideas - Tips To Find A Profitable Idea Part 3

Online Business Ideas - Tips To Find A Profitable Idea Part 1

Online Business IdeasOnline Business Ideas - Tips To Find A Profitable Idea Part 1 - The title of this presentation is called The 3 Simple Steps To Find Unlimited Profitable Online Business Ideas In Less Than 4 Minutes. A few things that you're going to learn inside this presentation are, number 1, how to come up with unlimited profitable online business ideas that can maybe help you quit your 9 to 5 job. Number 2, how to test your idea before you sink a dime into your new business. Also I'm going to show you a way how you can get up to $200 in free ads. Number 3, I'm going to give you a list of proven internet business models that require or no technical skill to get started. So why am I doing this?My family and friends were always asking me, someone that knows internet marketing and makes a full time income online to evaluate their ideas.

They would have all these ideas, and they really didn't know how to start, if it was even a good idea to begin with, and kind of how to develop and evaluate that idea. After talking to more than a handful of people I figured that they weren't the only ones that needed help in this area. So what I decided to do is actually make a short Post that explains the process that I use to determine if an idea has a shot of turning into a real business. Before we go forward, lets just take a minute to examine what's possible and maybe answer some questions that you're having. Probably the most popular question, the most common question, that people have about making money online is is it really possible to do, with little or no experience? And the short answer to that is yes, but as you can see I included an asterisk next to it because there is a catch. The catch is that 95% of people, there are studies that show this actually, more than 95% of people that try internet marketing never make a dime, and actually lose a lot of money in the process.

I'm not saying that to scare you, but in a way I am because I want you to use the formula that I follow for quickly testing if an idea will work, long before you spend time and money. This step of testing and researching, is the the step that most people miss. Or they do it improperly, and it costs them a lot of time, money, and frustration. So make sure you do this part right. And, let's take a look at a few examples of companies that have gotten this right. These are not typical by any means, but I want to show you, give you some inspiration of what's possible, forsomeone that's just starting out. The first example is a company called DoDo Case.

ActuallyI'm not sure if I'm saying that right. But it's basically it's a case for an iPad thatlooks like a book or looks like something else. It disguises your iPad, in a sense.This company was started a little while back, and in the first few months, they've goneover 1 million dollars in revenue. Another company, called FlockStocks, they now aredoing $100,000 per month. And, the internet has created a very unique opportunity forreally anyone that is young or old. You can now start a profitable business online nomatter what your age is, what your current level of income is, or your background, yourreligion, your race, your creed. Whatever it is, it really doesn't matter on the internet.Anyone nowadays can start a legitimate online business that helps people, if they followa proven system.
Online Business Ideas - Tips To Find A Profitable Idea Part 2

Thursday, February 27, 2014

How To Start An Online Business?

How To Start An Online Business
How To Start An Online Business? - So you wanna start an online business, what do your Park worth asking what you that well done lost the first set as though I don't want this bonnie is your sis's to had getting started for school you wanna figure out. How to start an online business you want to hack do you want to be an affiliate marketer my personal opinion of that is the I don't lie don't consider affiliate marketing a business. I has internet moneymaker this is something that you owe completely we bring out your road your own stuff my opinion.

How To Start An Online BusinessSo figure out what you want to do I'm not saying does beautifully after people do have make love money from it very successful doing but I personally consider it a money-maker more than business figure out what to to start an online business youth a know a lot about Joe, then detached you could but you'll catch it and this is why? release Jesse make you'll your business something you're passionate otherwise you just gonna throw one rat race you office job into another rat race a lot of people.

How To Start An Online BusinessWho are an online business fall into that trap and I think the missing a trick miss you very very true, so special that is something that is something you're passionate about I always use these are love you I status is comes to my mind but whatever it is are you G no doubt God I think it's gone now you're passionate, then figure out what your passion is and start looking for a solid a bus a courses video courses and eventually is do start doing really high and offers with coaching was one coaching and that way extent of the law particular. Okay so that's what own advice you get a start on business however around get started a well vying to do is stop here grazing West's I for yourself baby ground yourself or if you really don't want to put your own name out there create brand a such as long as life warriors great brand.

How To Start An Online BusinessBut this number of personal preference of a CEO's don't bother they eventually anyway because i think is more diverse see that is to be start we the euthanasia where you images, okay a get west side gays you shall get facebook account to your twitter is how start creating connections stop putting yourself out there start getting the ball away and get people liking you get people walked up to you. The whole people who are not see you all of the media to you that you just of putting up with us today what do they trust you in how to start an online business. Okay so that's be helpful if you know quite there yet I am offering a free seminar also help business that you are passionate about how is it so that the old-fashioned out, you can pick it up by cookie this live here is really sick little now and it will take to the website so I know and get a free-trading zone of and I will help you start your own business so that's just about it lets the video that this was helpful to you share it with your friends.
Online Business Ideas - Tips To Find A Profitable Idea Part 1