Friday, February 28, 2014

Online Business Ideas - Tips To Find A Profitable Idea Part 2

Online Business Ideas - Tips To Find A Profitable Idea
Online Business Ideas - Tips To Find A Profitable Idea Part 2 - Let me just say, it's easy to get carried away with an idea that mightwork in theory, right? Everybody has a great idea. But, often these online business ideasare unrealistic and miss the big picture, which is what the customer wants and willactually pull out their credit card and pay for. And, I realize this is an oversimplificationof a relatively complex topic, but at the same time, when you boil everything down,everything comes down to the customer. And, what they will act on and pay for, right?So, the three steps to developing your idea and testing it, to see if it can actuallycan turn into a viable business are: Step #1: does your product solve a problem or filla need? So ask yourself, are people actively looking for a solution to this problem? Andif they're not, chances are your product or service, whatever you're selling, might bea complete flop. And there's a quote by Zig Ziglar.

He said if you help enough other peopleget what they want, you will eventually get what you want. And that's so true in the worldof marketing. everyone wants to convince other people of their great idea when in realitythe best, the best strategy here is to go out and figure out what people are alreadysearching for, what they already want, and then figure out a way of how to help thosepeople solve their problems. The three categories that I always start with when I'm identifyinga niche, and this is especially helpful if you have no idea with the idea of the businessthat you want to start, start here. Start with the big three.

As you can see from thisslide, those are the broadest categories, right? For example, in health, you could breakthat down into mental, physical, emotion categories. And you could go even deeper than that. For example, under physical, weight loss, muscle, training for marathons. Those are all sub,sub categories of the big health category. And from there, you can break it down evenfurther. You can keep going and design a weight loss product designed specifically for womenin their 40's or women after they've had a baby, or whatever it is. So if you're confusedon where to start or if you want to work within what's called the big three in the marketingindustry, the three biggest categories are health, wealth and relationships. 

Step numbertwo, before you make the investment mistake of investing thousands of dollars you needto make sure you actually have a viable idea. And this is something a mistake that I'vemade on more than one occasion mainly because I was too eager to get my product out becauseI was convinced it was going to work. But if I would have just done my research I wouldhave saved myself a heck of a lot of time and money that I could have been focusingon other products or services. So, what you need to do is you need to one of the strategiesthat I like, one of the strategies that I think is the best for determining whetheror not an internet business will work is called commercial intent.
Online Business Ideas - Tips To Find A Profitable Idea Part 3

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